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Version: 0.5.1 Type: application AppVersion: v0.11.0

Vault Raft Snapshot Agent takes periodic snapshots of Vault’s Raft database and stores them on a local volume or an remote S3 bucket

This Chart deploys an instance of Vault Raft Snapshot Agent in your cluster and optionally creates a PersistentVolume to store the generated snapshots of Vault’s Raft database in.

Besides installing an configuring this chart you’ll have to configure your Vault to grant the agent permission to take snapshots of the raft database. See vault-raft-snapshot-agent’s documentation for instructions.


Source Code


Key Type Default Description
config object {"snapshots":{"frequency":"1h","retain":72,"storages":{"local":{"enabled":true,"volume":{"emptyDir":{}}}}},"vault":{"auth":{"kubernetes":{"role":"vault-raft-snapshot-agent"}},"nodes":{"autoDetectLeader":false,"urls":[""]}}} Defines the contents of the configuration-file for vault-raft-snapshot-agent. Except for local_storage the keys and values are the same as in the agent’s configuration file
config.snapshots.storages.local.enabled bool true Enables/disables the local storage of snaphots. If disabled the corresponding volume and volume-mounts will not be created
config.snapshots.storages.local.volume object {"emptyDir":{}} Defines the kind of volume used to store the snapshots locally. If you specify persistentVolumeClaim the chart can generate the PVC for you. Just specify the claim as you would normally do and add the property create: true and the relevant properties of your PersistentVolumeClaimSpec as key of persistentVolumeClaim.
config.vault.nodes.urls list [""] Urls to the vault-nodes. Recommended to use a single url always pointing to the leader of your vault-cluster, e.g. https?://vault-active.<vault-namespace>.svc.cluster.local:<vault-server service-port>
deployment.extraAnnotations object {} additional annotation to add to the deployment’s metadata
deployment.extraLabels object {} additional labels to add to the deployment’s metadata
deployment.spec object {"extraAnnotations":{},"extraEnv":[],"extraEnvFrom":[],"extraLabels":{},"extraVolumes":[],"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repo":"","tag":null},"initContainer":{},"resources":{"limits":{},"requests":{}},"revisionHistoryLimit":null,"strategy":{"type":"Recreate"}} additional environment-variables to add to the pod
deployment.spec.extraAnnotations object {} additional annotation to add to the pods’s metadata
deployment.spec.extraEnvFrom list [] additional environment-refs to add to the pod
deployment.spec.extraLabels object {} additional labels to add to the pods’s metadata
deployment.spec.extraVolumes list [] additional volumes for the container. configures the pods volumeMounts and volumes-sections: <pre>- name: my-volume
mountPath: /my-path
emptyDir: {}</pre> name and mountPath are used both in volumeMounts and volumes, readOnly only applies to volumeMounts and any other key is added to volumes only
deployment.spec.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" New releases of vault-raft-snapshot-agent always change the .Chart.AppVersion of this chart thus must only be changed if you use another repository than the default
deployment.spec.image.repo string "" Image that is deployed (change e.g. for private registry-proxy)
deployment.spec.image.tag string .Chart.AppVersion the image’s tag
deployment.spec.initContainer object {} specify optional init-container. Only properties name, image, command and env are used. name and image are optional, by default alpine:3.19.1, which is the agents-base-image, is used as image The init-container has access to all extraVolumes.
deployment.spec.resources object {"limits":{},"requests":{}} resource limits and requests for the deployment
deployment.spec.resources.limits object {} resource limits of the deployment
deployment.spec.resources.requests object {} resource requests by the deployment
deployment.spec.revisionHistoryLimit int nil see kubernetes docs You might want to change this to a small value to avoid cluttering up the UI of a Continuous Delivery Tool like Argo-CD
deployment.spec.strategy.type string "Recreate" Update-strategy for the agent’s pods Recreate guarantees that no two snapshots get taken at the same time RollingUpdate ensures that there’s always one instance of the agent running
fullnameOverride string release-name + chart-name truncated to 63 chars overrides the generated full-name for generated resources
global.namespace string .Release.Namespace allows to override the release’s namespace
nameOverride string .Chart.Name overrides the generated name for generated resources
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string chart name according to name settings. .fullNameOverride and .nameOverride are taken into account name of the service account to use.
